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What emails will attendees automatically receive?

Eventbrite may automatically send a number of different emails to attendees. While some emails can be disabled by attendees using Email Preferences (under Account Settings), others cannot since they provide important information about orders and registrations.

In this article

  • Eventbrite Newsletters/Account-related emails
  • Welcome email
  • Account Activation email
  • Abandoned Registration Reminder email
  • Claim ticket email
  • 48-hour reminder email
  • Refund/Cancelation emails
  • Order confirmation email
  • 'Liked events' registration reminder email

Eventbrite Newsletters/Account-related emails

Sent to attendees to recommend related events based on location, past public events attended, and friends' events. Attendees can opt out as soon as they register or in the Email Preferences section of their account.

Welcome email

Sent to notify an attendee that their Eventbrite account has been created. It also differentiates between Eventbrite and the event organizer, and is only sent the first time an attendee registers for an event using a specific email address.

Account Activation email

Sent when an attendee attempts to sign into their Eventbrite account online or through one of our mobile apps, but we detect that a password hasn't been set. The email should only be sent once per Eventbrite account as the attendee is prompted to create a password in the email so they can access information regarding their event registrations.

Abandoned Registration Reminder email

Sent as a reminder to buy tickets to an event if an attendee leaves an order before completing checkout. The email is only sent to people who are logged into their Eventbrite account at the time of registration.

Claim ticket email

Sent when the ticket buyer’s email address is different from the email address of the attendee(s) on the order.

48-hour reminder email

Sent two days before each event to remind attendees about their upcoming event. Event organizers can delete the reminder email before it sends to either not have one sent or create their own.

Refund/Cancelation emails

Sent for actions related to refunded or canceled orders. Emails include:

  • Refund confirmation email: sent when a refund is issued for a paid order

  • Order cancelation email: sent when the attendee or the organizer cancels a free order

  • Refund request declined email: sent when the organizer of an event declines a refund request submitted by an attendee

TIP: Learn more about requesting and providing refunds.

Order confirmation email

Sent when an attendee completes their order or registration.

TIP: Learn how to customize or find an order confirmation email.

NOTE: Event organizers receive a copy of attendee order confirmation emails when an order completes. Learn how to disable the option.

'Liked events' registration reminder email

Sent two days before an event to remind people to buy tickets to an event they liked (saved) while logged into their Eventbrite account.

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