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Organizing an event

Customize your event URL

Create a custom URL for your event to make it more personalized and easy to remember. To get started, go to your Event Dashboard. Then click the "edit" icon next to your event URL.

In this article

  • 1. Go to Manage my events.
  • 2. Go to your Event Dashboard.
  • 3. Find your existing URL.
  • 4. Click "Edit".
  • 5. Save.
  • 6. Promote your event using your custom URL.
  • 7. Optional: Reuse your custom URL

1. Go to Manage my events.

Log in to your Eventbrite account and select Manage my events from your account menu.

2. Go to your Event Dashboard.

Click your event to go to your Event Dashboard.

3. Find your existing URL.

Go to your Event Dashboard and look under Event URL (below Share). You'll also see the option to share your event to:

  • Facebook

  • Messenger

  • Twitter

  • Email

  • LinkedIn

  • Whatsapp

4. Click "Edit".

Click the “edit” icon and enter what you want your URL to be. Your URL will be shown in the following format:

  • YourURL.eventbrite.com

Eventbrite will add the last part for you (.eventbrite.com), so you just need to enter the first part (YourURL). Make sure you don’t use any spaces or non-alphanumeric characters (@, #, %, $, &, *).

You can always edit your custom URL if you make a mistake or change your mind. Be sure to make any changes before you promote your event by sharing or advertising the URL. Your original URL will still work, but we can't redirect your original URL or custom URL to a different web address.

5. Save.

Click “Save” to create your custom URL. If the URL you picked is already in use, you’ll see an error and will need to choose a different URL.

If you have a recurring event, changing your event URL when set to an individual date will direct attendees to your event listing with that date already selected. If you want to apply a custom URL to all dates in your event schedule, make sure you have “All dates” selected.

6. Promote your event using your custom URL.

Use your new custom URL to promote your event on posters, social media, and invites. Keep in mind, 'www.' shouldn't be included when promoting or sharing your custom URL.

DO: https://yourURL.eventbrite.com

DON’T: https://www.yourURL.eventbrite.com

Any changes you make to the title of your event will not impact your custom URL.

7. Optional: Reuse your custom URL

If you want to use the same custom URL more than once, you'll need to remove it from your completed event. 

  1. Go to "Manage my events" and select "Past" in the Event status dropdown.

  2. Scroll to "Event URL" on your Event Dashboard.

  3. Click "Edit" and delete the custom URL.

  4. Click "Save".

This will remove the custom URL from that event and it'll be available for you to use on your new event.

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