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Attending an event

What is this charge from Eventbrite?

If you see a charge on your statement referencing Eventbrite, it's likely related to tickets for an event listed on Eventbrite.com. The way the charge appears on your statement depends on whether the purchase was made online or on-site at an event. No matter where an event is located, the charge will show “San Francisco” on your statement because that is where Eventbrite is headquartered.

In this article

  • You purchased tickets to an event
  • You refunded an event attendee
  • You paid for event services
  • Other ways a charge might be displayed

You purchased tickets to an event

When you purchase a ticket in the Eventbrite app or on Eventbrite.com, the charge on your bank or credit card statement usually appears as:

  • EB * [first 15 characters of the event title] SAN FRANCISCO CA

EXAMPLE: You bought a ticket on Eventbrite to the Corgi Festival 2023 in Lexington, Kentucky. The charge might show on your statement as: EB *CORGI FESTIVAL 202 SAN FRANCISCO CA.

When you purchase a ticket onsite at an event that’s using Eventbrite, the charge usually appears as:


You refunded an event attendee

If you refund an attendee or ticket buyer using your credit or debit card, you may receive one of these charges:

  • EB *Payin for event - This charge appears when you add funds back to your event to cover the amount needed for refunds. Organizers usually choose this option when refunding multiple orders.

  • EB *Refund to buyer - This charge appears when you process a refund using your credit or debit card instead of adding funds back to your event. Organizers usually choose this option when processing individual refunds.

You paid for event services

There are some charges for publishing and advertising events on Eventbrite. These charges may appear as:

  • EB* EVENTBRITE ADS FEE: Creating an ad campaign with Eventbrite ads

  • EB* ORG SUB FEE: Subscription costs for an Eventbrite Pro account (only available for organizers on Eventbrite’s new pricing)

  • EB* EVENT LISTING FEE: Publishing an event with a Flex plan (no longer available as of September 2024)

  • EB* EMAIL PAYG FEE: Increasing the daily limit on an email campaign

These charges may also appear as "EVENTBRITE.COM ORG FEE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA." Eventbrite sends a receipt to the email associated with the Eventbrite account for each charge.

Other ways a charge might be displayed

The way a charge is displayed on your statement is based on your bank or credit card company. If you see something other than the previous examples, it could mean one of the following:

  • You may see “Recurring” inline with an Eventbrite charge. This doesn’t mean the charge is scheduled to repeatedly process.

  • Purchases made through Eventbrite with an American Express card will sometimes display as "Business Services."

If your registration was processed through PayPal, the way the charge appears on your statement will vary based on the PayPal merchant. For questions regarding PayPal charges, contact PayPal for assistance.

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