Please join the Tennessee Holocaust Commission for this inspiring evevning with Tova Friedman as we commemorate Yom HaShoah. The event begins at 6:30 PM CST on Thursday, April 17 at the Temple, Congregation Ohabai Sholom in Nashville. Join the Tennessee Holocaust Commission in commemorating the lives lost during the Holocaust and bearing witness to the story of one survivor, Tova Friedman. The event will be followed by a book sale and signing and a light reception (Kosher for Passover)
Tova Friedman is an internationally acclaimed Holocaust speaker. A child survivor of the Holocaust, she is one of only five children from her hometown of Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Poland to have lived through the Shoah. Tova witnessed atrocities that she could never forget, and experienced numerous escapes from death. She recounts these experiences in her bestselling memoir, The Daughter of Auschwitz.
Tova is committed to educating younger generations about the Holocaust and together with her grandson Aron Goodman, started TovaTok, a social media account that educates about the Holocaust. To date Tova has more than a half million followers and 100 million views.