West LA - 2025 LASAN Open House
We're back! Bring your family and friends to enjoy food, fun, and zero waste festivities!
Date and time
LASAN West LA District Yard
2027 Stoner Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025About this event
- Event lasts 4 hours
6/21/25 LASAN West LA Open House -adults
0FREE6/21/25 LASAN West LA Open House - kids
Organized by
As the lead agency for the City’s environmental programs and initiatives, LA Sanitation & Environment protects public health and the environment through the administration and management of three program areas: Clean Water (Wastewater), Solid Resources (Solid Waste Management) and Watershed Protection (Stormwater). These infrastructure programs collect, treat, recycle, and dispose of the solid and liquid waste generated by the nation’s second largest city of more than four million residents. Through these essential public service programs, LASAN delivers a triple bottom line of economic, environmental, and social benefits that sustain the quality of life in Los Angeles. For more information, please visit www.lacitysan.org or call our 24-hour Customer Care Center at 1-800-773-2489. Note that by registering for one of our events, you will be added to our mailing list.
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