

A monthly Warcry campaign

By Critical Hit Games

Select date and time

Saturday, December 7 · 12 - 3pm EST


Critical Hit Games

2909 Emmorton Road Abingdon, MD 21009

About this event

Meet up on the first Saturday of each month and watch your warband grow as it erans glory and the favor of the chaos gods through battle!

Players can join at any time and will need to build a 1000pt warband, containing between 3-15 fighters all with the same runemark, including a single hero. Heroes will start with a random heroic trait.

If you have White Dwarf printed or PDF campaign rules for your warband you may use them.

Players are free to battle eachother in normal campaign battles or campaign arcs. Afteter each game players will track injuries and rewards, letting their warbaand grow over the months.