Unleashing Europe’s next scientific revolution

Unleashing Europe’s next scientific revolution

A one day gathering at the Palais de Luxembourg of top innovators, investors, accelerators focussed on Europe’s next scientific revolution.

Date and time

Friday, October 25, 2024 · 8am - 6pm CEST


Palais du Luxembourg

15 Rue de Vaugirard 75006 Paris France


8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Urgency for the next European scientific revolution

Vanina PAOLI-GAGIN, Senator

Patrick Hetzel*, French Minister of Higher Education and Research; Thomas Crampton, co-founder Crampton Blackie Partners.

From exploratory research towards scientific revolution

Emmanuelle CHARPENTIER, Max Planck Institute

Video address from Emmanuelle CHARPENTIER, winner of Nobel prize in Chemistry (2020).

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

One of Europe’s next breakthroughs: exRNA

Esther NOLTE-T HOEN, Utrecht University (Chair)

Amy BUCK, The University of Edinburgh; Hailing JIN, University of California, Riverside; Lionel NAVARRO, Institut de Biologie de l'ENS (IBENS); Neta REGEV-RUDZKI, Weizman institute; Clotilde THERY, I...

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Can Europe unify visions for exploratory science?

Aude BERNHEIM, Presidential Science Council (Chair)

Intro by Christophe CLÉMENT, Université Reims-CA; Lise ALTER, Health Innovation Agency; Carole CARANTA, INRAE; André LE BIVIC, CNRS; Franck MOUTHON, Inserm; Jörg VOGEL, Helmholtz Institute Würzburg.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Can funding accelerate the future?

Thomas CRAMPTON, Crampton-Blackie Partners (Chair)

Intro by Michiel SCHEFFER, European Innovation Council; Philippe BOUCHERON, Bpifrance; Isabelle BUCKLE, Institut Pasteur; Matthieu COUTET, Sofinnova; Alain HURIEZ, AdBio Partners; Derek NORMAN, Leaps...

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Can we strengthen Europe’s science ecosystem?

Jean SCHMITT, Jolt Capital (Chair)

Intro by Neena MITTER, The University of Queensland; Jacques DARCY, European Investment Fund; Frédéric GIRARD, France Biotech; Michel de LEMPDES, France Deeptech; Antoine PETIT, CNRS; Bruno ROSTAND...

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Outlook and concrete next steps

Magdalena SKIPPER, Editor in Chief, Nature (Chair)

Intro by André LOESEKRUG-PIETRI, JEDI; Vanina PAOLI-GAGIN, Senator; Lionel Navarro, COST Action / exRNA PATH.

6:00 PM

Palais Du Luxembourg Tour

5:00 PM

Cocktail Reception

About this event

The main event will be followed by a cocktail reception at 5pm, and a tour of the Palais Du Luxembourg at 6pm.

Please provide all the information on the registration form. The French Senat security requires birth date, name and birth town as a condition of entry.

All proceedings will be held in English.

*Indicates speaker to be confirmed

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