Transmedia L.A. Reunion!

Transmedia L.A. Reunion!

"We're getting the band back together."

By Jay Bushman, Scott Walker, and Hal Hefner

Date and time

Sunday, April 14, 2024 · 6 - 10pm PDT


The Roguelike Tavern

259 North Pass Avenue Burbank, CA 91505

About this event

It’s been 14 years (!) plus a little bit more since a ragtag group of weirdos, looking for compatriots in the wild west of LA’s new media landscape, hung out a shingle to see who would show up.

Since then, transmedia has become a buzzword, a sensation, a pariah, the newest hottest thing, hopelessly passé, and resurgent all over again. We’ve lost count of the number of hype cycles.

We’re all older, possibly wiser (possibly not), and it’s been too long since this tribe came together. So whether or not you were part of the community when it was called Transmedia Los Angeles, or when it rebranded as Storyforward LA, if you never made it to one of our events, or if you’d never even heard of us before but are curious, please come and join us.

We’ll relive glory days, laugh at how things have turned out, toast fallen comrades, curse what’s become of Twitter -- and argue all over again about just exactly how to define “transmedia.” You know you miss doing that!

If you can’t join us but still want to participate, send us a greeting, a message, or an endorsement bomb, and we’ll share it with the group.

We hope to connect with you soon, on one or multiple platforms.

NOTE: The venue is kindly allowing us to use their space without any upfront payment, but in exchange, they're requiring a two-item minimum order per attendee.

Jay Bushman, Co-Founder, Transmedia Los Angeles
Scott Walker, Co-Founder, Transmedia Los Angeles
Hal Hefner, Managing Director, Storyforward Los Angeles

Frequently asked questions

How much is it?

We aren't charging for tickets, BUT the venue is requiring a two-item minimum for attendees (note: that's "item," not necessarily "drink.").

But really, how DO you define transmedia?

You'll have to show up to find out!

Organized by

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