From Suffragettes to the Political NowFrom Suffragettes to the Political NowSat, Mar 22, 11:00The Net Community Hub • ChathamSave From Suffragettes to the Political Now to your collection.Share From Suffragettes to the Political Now with your friends.
Purple Night Music and Solidarity International Women's DayPurple Night Music and Solidarity International Women's DaySat, Mar 8, 19:00DasDas Box • London£27.80Save Purple Night Music and Solidarity International Women's Day to your collection.Share Purple Night Music and Solidarity International Women's Day with your friends.
Emmaus Greenwich Solidarity and Street Souls initiativeEmmaus Greenwich Solidarity and Street Souls initiativeTomorrow at 15:00107 Brookhill Rd • LondonFreeSave Emmaus Greenwich Solidarity and Street Souls initiative to your collection.Share Emmaus Greenwich Solidarity and Street Souls initiative with your friends.
Posthuman SolidaritiesPosthuman SolidaritiesMon, Mar 10, 19:00Goethe-Institut London • London£3 - £6Save Posthuman Solidarities to your collection.Share Posthuman Solidarities with your friends.
I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist (book talk & film screening)I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist (book talk & film screening)Mon, Mar 10, 17:30Homerton Library • LondonFreeSave I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist (book talk & film screening) to your collection.Share I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist (book talk & film screening) with your friends.
BOOK LAUNCH: Contemporary Performance & Political Economy, by K. ParamanaBOOK LAUNCH: Contemporary Performance & Political Economy, by K. ParamanaThu, Mar 27, 18:30Artsadmin, Toynbee Studios • LondonFreeSave BOOK LAUNCH: Contemporary Performance & Political Economy, by K. Paramana to your collection.Share BOOK LAUNCH: Contemporary Performance & Political Economy, by K. Paramana with your friends.
Subnational Political Dynasties and Democracy: Argentina, Brazil and MexicoSubnational Political Dynasties and Democracy: Argentina, Brazil and MexicoMon, Mar 17, 16:00Anatomy G04 Gavin de Beer LT, Medical Sciences and Anatomy • LondonFreeSave Subnational Political Dynasties and Democracy: Argentina, Brazil and Mexico to your collection.Share Subnational Political Dynasties and Democracy: Argentina, Brazil and Mexico with your friends.
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Rightful Citizenship Claims and the Construction of LGBT Political IdentityRightful Citizenship Claims and the Construction of LGBT Political IdentityThu, Mar 20, 18:00UCL Institute of Archaeology, lecture theatre G6 • LondonFreeSave Rightful Citizenship Claims and the Construction of LGBT Political Identity to your collection.Share Rightful Citizenship Claims and the Construction of LGBT Political Identity with your friends.
Hybrid | The Fragile Power of Political Nations: Adam Smith’s FederativeHybrid | The Fragile Power of Political Nations: Adam Smith’s FederativeTomorrow at 18:00UCL Faculty of Laws • LondonFreeSave Hybrid | The Fragile Power of Political Nations: Adam Smith’s Federative to your collection.Share Hybrid | The Fragile Power of Political Nations: Adam Smith’s Federative with your friends.