Move The Tassel - Graduation Ceremony - Aug 2021
Inviting All High School/College/University/Hifdh Graduates & All International Students/Recent Movers To RTP
By Triangle Muslims (aka OYLE)
Date and time
Sunday, August 15, 2021 · 2 - 4pm EDT
Raleigh Masjid
808 Atwater St Raleigh, NC 27607 United StatesAbout this event
Organized by
'Triangle Muslims' was founded in 2012. It was later registered as 'Organization For Youth Leadership and Engagement' (OYLE). It is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, charitable organization recognized in the state of North Carolina.
Mission: To enable youth to reach their full potential and have positive, fulfilling lives
Vision: To build a world with stronger youth, stronger families & stronger communities