Although FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) can be physically challenging, it can also be mental challenging which are both great for your health! You will get workout while learning a very effective, little known(to most) martial art. Yes, the striking arts such as Muay Thai/boxing, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Krav Maga etc. and the grappling arts as Brazilian Jiu-jitsu/Judo/wrestling are all important to have a complete self-defense arsenal, but weaponry(knives, bats, guns, and even machetes)or multiple attackers, are unfortunately the method of attack nowadays. I will be "flowing" from numerous techniques/real-life street scenarios to give you some insight into this multi-faceted, LEGAL martial art. You may be overwhelmed(and hopefully astounded and inspired) with the content, but the purpose is to get you to join my ongoing Eskrima class at Fight Science MMA.