Please join Kind Heart Coalition for our Seventh Annual THANKSLIVING Vegan Potluck!!!
When: 1PM - 5PM
Where : WorldBeat Cultural Center
2100 Park Blvd. San Diego
It’s time for us to gather together on this often challenging day where we can be thankful for our outstanding community, all living animals, and much more!!!
We ask everyone to bring a delicious vegan dish to share.
To help cover event costs we ask for a minimum donation of $1. Your contribution helps us continue the work that we do through Kind Heart Coalition.
You are welcome to bring your friends and family!! This is an all inclusive vegan event.
We will also be collecting blankets for Saving Animals and Healing Hearts Sanctuary. Please bring new or used clean blankets.
DISH MUST BE VEGAN - Your dish can not contain any meat, dairy, eggs, or honey!
- Please clearly mark your dish and utensils so that you get them back!
We strive to be as zero waste as we can!