Introduction to the Sentinel Applications Program (SNAP)

Introduction to the Sentinel Applications Program (SNAP)

An overview of the European Space Agency's open source remote sensing package, with a focus on exploring a Sentinel-2 Multispectral scene.

By Dalhousie Earth & Environmental Science GIS Instructors

Date and time

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 · 2 - 4pm AST


Life Sciences Centre: Dalhousie University (Room 3111 BIO)

1355 Oxford Street Halifax, NS B3H 4J1 Canada


Overview of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem

Previewing and Downloading a Sentinel-2 Scene

Opening the Scene in SNAP and Viewing an RGB Composite

Resampling the Scene and Viewing an Expanded Suite of RGB Composites

Generating Example Band Ratios (NDVI, NDWI, NBR)

About this event

This workshop is intended for Dalhousie students, staff, or faculty interested in an introduction to viewing and processing passive remote sensing scenes in the SeNtinel Applications Program (or "SNAP").

The workshop will provide an overview of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem to obtain Sentinel-2 Imagery, how to open the scene in the SNAP platform, and how to execute some basic operations on a multispectral image using SNAP.

Prerequisites: introductory GIS knowledge like spatial resolution, vector vs. raster data models. No remote sensing experience is required.

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