Now What!?- Animation Community Fundraiser
Now What!? is a media nonprofit that's using animation and comedy to demystify policy and politics for young voters. We've been working on developing and funding shorts that focus on issues important to Gen Z voters like reproductive rights, climate change, gun control and economic justice. Your donation will help us deliver on our goal of producing 20 shorts before the 2024 election that will be distributed through social media and GOTV organizations across the United States. We already have 3.5 shorts funded!
Partner studios include Six Point Harness, Titmouse, Oddbot, Aardman Nathan Love and Powerhouse.
It will be a night of comedy, entertainment, information about the issues and the shorts currently in development. There will be free booze provided by Maui Brewing company and Modern Times. We will also serve tacos...
If you can't attend, but still want to help with a donation, CLICK HERE TO DONATE.
(Parking will not be available on site, ride share recommended.)
Now What!? is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit corporation. Now What!?’s application for an exempt determination letter is pending with the Internal Revenue Service. Your generous donation will be deductible as a charitable donation retroactively to Now What!?’s date of incorporation, which is October 10, 2023.