8th Annual Braden's Birthday Bash & Blood Drive: A Community Health Event

8th Annual Braden's Birthday Bash & Blood Drive: A Community Health Event

We will celebrate another year of life with our community while spreading awareness of sickle cell disease and blood donation.

By The B Strong Group

Date and time

Saturday, March 29 · 10am - 3pm EDT


Caughman Road Park

2733 Trotter Road Hopkins, SC 29061

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 5 hours

We are excited to once again partner with Richland County Recreation Commission to host our 8th Annual Braden's Birthday Bash & Blood Drive. There will be food, entertainment, vendors, music and fun! This will be all free for the community. Come learn about sickle cell disease, find out your sickle cell trait status, meet other organizations within the community and have fun! Our theme for this event is All Boots on the Ground and we plan to have music, Soul Line Dancing, Carnival Style games, Kickball and more! This will be a family friendly event for the entire community! We are also partnering with the American Red Cross to host our first blood drive of 2025 at this event. In lieu of birthday presents, Braden is collecting toys, arts and craft items and teen friendly gifts to share with the Sickle Cell Clinic at Prisma Health Children's Hospital's Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders. You can bring them to the event with you. We will also be accepting items for our local Adult Sickle Cell Clinic.

Our blood drive will begin at 10 am. Be sure to sign up to donate today! Our Birthday Bash Festivities will begin at 10 am. Lunch will be served at 11:30 am.

We still have space for vendors and sponsors. Please visit our website for details! thebstronggroup.org


As a part of this celebration of life, you can help us save lives by donating blood at this event. Sign up to donate blood today at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=Bstrong

Frequently asked questions

Is this a family friendly event?


Will there be food at this event?

Yes. We will provide lunch which incudes hot dogs, chips, drink, and sweets.

Is parking free?

This event is free and includes free parking. The only cost will be the vendors that are selling products and/or services.

Will there be vendors?

Yes, there will be vendors who will be selling products and/or services. There will also be exhibitors who will be giving away items.

Organized by

The B Strong Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit local organization created in honor of the founder's son, Braden, to spread awareness of sickle cell disease.
