Cornhole...Baggo...Bags...Bean Bag Toss. Call it what you will, but come compete in the Come See Me CORNHOLE THROWDOWN. Teams of two (2) will compete for cash prizes for the top 3 spots in 3 divisions!!!
Saturday April 5th, 2025
First round of rounders starts at 10 AM. All teams must be checked in by 9:30 AM.
Teams will be divided into 3 Tiers at the completion of rounders. A single-elimination tournament for each tier will follow rounders.
$50.00 entry fee per team online. $60 entry fee per team day-of.
The deadline to register online is Thursday, April 3rd. Day-of registration will be open, but limited.
Bring your own Partner and Bags. We will have bags available if needed.
Entry fees are non-refundable and entries are non-transferable.
Male, Female, and Co-ed teams allowed. All ACL rules will apply to this tournament. Round Robin Tournament Format with seeding determined at random will place each team into a division.
Tier 1 - The top 2 teams from each Round Robin group.
1st Place - $1,000
2nd Place - $400
3rd Place - $200
Tier 2 - The middle 2 teams from each Round Robin group.
1st Place - $500
2nd Place - $200
3rd Place - $100
Tier 3 - The bottom 2 teams from each Round Robin group.
1st Place - $200
2nd Place - $100
3rd Place - $50
* This event will move to the American Cornhole League Headquarters if it rains at 300 Technology Center Way.**
Thank you so our Sponsors: