Off Axisis a not-for-profit gig swap network, that helps artists build a nationwide fanbase and play meaningful gigs throughout the UK and Ireland.We offer a transparent touring model, where musicianskeep 100% of ticket money,showcase at festivalsand benefit fromexpert mentoring. If you have a hometown fanbase, you can join, it’s free, supported byCreative ScotlandJOIN-Keep 100% Ticket £s-Off Axis payvenue hire deposit+ contribute toferry £sforNorthern Ireland / Islandswaps-TOUR the UKplayingbusy gigs+Off Axis stagesat variousFestivalsacross the UK-1-2-1 mentoringJOIN| seeHow It Works(<opens PDF in new tab)Facebook, Instagram and Twitter@OffAxisNetworkor@OffAxisScotlandfull info seehttps://www.offaxistours.comor email the team