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Organizing an event

Share your events on LinkedIn and TikTok

Use Eventbrite to feature your events or event collections on social media. To get started, go to Marketing Tools and select Social media. Then choose Share on social to create a social media post featuring an event or collection. This feature requires an active LinkedIn account.

In this article

  • Create a post on social media
  • Edit your TikTok post details
  • Edit your LinkedIn post details

Privacy and data information

To use this feature, you'll need to connect your Eventbrite account to your social media account(s).

Permissions needed to post

When you first connect your social media account, there will be a list of required permissions. This includes permission to allow Eventbrite to view your social media profile and post from your account.

Eventbrite won't share your personal data

This feature won't share any personal event organizer or attendee data with TikTok or LinkedIn.

Create a post on social media

1. Go to Manage my Events.

Log in to your Eventbrite account and select Manage my events from your account menu.

2. Go to Marketing Tools.

From the navigation menu, select Marketing.

3. Select "Social Media", then choose "Share on social."

4. Choose your event or collection.

Choose your type of post.

  • Event: Feature and link to an event.

  • Collection: Feature and link to a collection of events.

Then choose the event or collection you'd like to feature in this post from the dropdown menu.

5. Choose your social media site(s).

Under Select a social media account, choose the sites you'd like to publish your post to.

  • LinkedIn: Requires an individual account (not a business account).

  • TikTok: Use any active account.

If you haven't connected your social media accounts yet, you'll need to give Eventbrite access to the required permissions.

6. Create and share your post.

Update your post details and select Share. Your post(s) will be live within the next few minutes.

NOTE: TikTok may review your post to ensure it follows their community guidelines. If you experience a delay, check your TikTok account for updates.

Edit your TikTok post details

Posts on TikTok automatically include a link to your event. Before sharing, review the following settings.

1. Choose "Image" or "Video."

2. Update the caption for your post.

Eventbrite automatically generates a caption for your post using ChatGPT. Review the auto-generated caption and make any changes you'd like.

3. Upload your media file(s).

Under Add Photos/Video, drag and drop or select Upload a file to add your media file.

On image posts, you can add up to 10 images. Each image must be 20 MB or less, and you can use WebP and JPEGs.

Videos can be MP4, WebM, or MOV files under 4 GB. You can only upload one video per post. Videos can't be longer than you're able to post on your TikTok account.

4. Update your post settings.

Choose whether to allow comments. If you're sharing a video, you can also turn stitches and duets on or off.

Edit your LinkedIn post details

Posts on LinkedIn automatically include your event image and a link to your event. Before sharing, review the following settings.

1. Update the caption for your post.

Eventbrite automatically generates a caption for your post using ChatGPT. Review the auto-generated caption and make any changes you'd like.

2. Update your post settings.

Choose who can view your post.

  • Anyone: Your post is public to all viewers.

  • Connections: Only people who have connected with you are able to see your post.

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