3rd Annual ASBC Business Summit for a Sustainable Economy

3rd Annual ASBC Business Summit for a Sustainable Economy

By American Sustainable Business Council

Date and time

November 12, 2014 · 6pm - November 14, 2014 · 4pm EST


The White House

and other locations in Washington, D.C.

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ASBC's 3rd Annual Business

Summit: Accelerating the Policies that Advance a Sustainable Economy

Join us at the 3rd Annual Business Summit in Washington, D.C. for an up-close and candid opportunity to exchange ideas with the White House and Members of Congress. With a new Congress coming to D.C., the 2014 fall Summit enables sustainable businesses to influence the policies that will make the American economy more vibrant and just. Gain valuable insights into how policy is evolving before 2015, and learn how your company or organization can shape the agenda.

The summit provides business leaders a unique opportunity to directly engage in the policy process and discuss a wide range of key issues with senior administration officials and members of Congress. The summit includes visits to the White House, Congressional offices, interactive panels with key Washington insiders and our annual internal strategy forum, during which participants meet in plenary and breakout sessions to discuss policy and organizational initiatives.

For the latest information about the conference, agenda and speakers
please visit the conference page.


ASBC Organization Members: $225
ASBC Business Members: $395
Non-members: $600


Please contact Lakita Mcneil at lmcneil@asbcouncil.org or at (202)-595-9302 x108

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